Hunters gold Set in New Zealand in 1860, 13 year old Scott Hunter goes in search of his father, a gold prospector, after his father’s personal belongings return home without him. Amidst the turmoil of the Otago Gold Rush, Scott sets off to Tucker’s Gully to find his father, and en route becomes involved in some dangerous and tricky situations when he encounters thieves, a magician and a variety of other characters.

On arriving at his destination, Scott finds that his father’s colleague has been murdered and as Scott’s father hasn’t been seen for some weeks, has become the prime suspect, and there’s a price on his head. And so the adventure begins ……

Locally produced television on a grand scale, this “classic” 1976, 13-part kidult series magnificently re-creates early New Zealand and Otago’s gold rush era. Released on DVD by TVNZ 18 Dec 2012, and other retailers got it 20 March 2013.


Episode One (26/9/1976)
Scott Hunter becomes concerned for his father's safety when he fails to return from the goldfields. Reassurances from his uncle and aunt fail to quell his fears and the arrival of a chest filled with his father's belongings finally convinoes Scott that something is desperately wrong.
Hunter's Gold - Episode One
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Aunt - Sue Dalison-Ryan
Uncle - Terence Cooper
Bond - Ken Blackburn
Bfaddialth - Ross Duncan
Brakeman - Jim Archibald
Coach Drivers - Andy Scott And Ted Connell
Robbers - Ian Watkin And Norman Forsey
Also Appearing, Ilona Rodgers, Ernie Stanley, Gabriel Pendergast, Roger Oakley, , Robert Bell. Richard Moss, Donald Snook, Robert Pratt, Scott Taylor, Claire Oberman. Cathie Harrop, Edwin Wright and Bernard Esquilant
Written and Devised By Roger Simpson
Music Composed By Bernie Allen
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John Mcrae
Director - Tom Parkinson

Episode Two (3/10/1976)
Scott stows away on a supply dray headed for the gold-fields. But no sooner has he left his Uncle's farm behind than he finds himself in the hands of thieves.

Episode Three (10/10/1976)
Baddock agrees to take Scott on to the crossroads. But a run-in with a mysterious band of Chinese and their "monster" has Scott convinced he's fated never to reach Tucker's Gully.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Baddock - Ken Blackburn
Hatter - Ross Jolly
Chinaman - Percy Lee
Marvello - Ian Mune
Seth - Charlie Strachan
Also Appearing: Chan Seong Hoy, Raymond Gin, Lim Ken Huat, Chang Chon Gin, Roy Chin.
Written And Devised By Roger Simpson
Script: Ken Catran
Camera Operator: Michael Connor
Designer: Logan Brewer
Producer: John McRae
Director: Tom Parkinson

Episode Four (17/10/1976)
Continuing on his way to Tucker's Gully, Scott hitches a ride with a flamboyant magician, "Marvello The Magnificent", and becomes involved in a death-defying illusion.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Marvello - Ian Mune
Seth - Charlie Strachan
Mayor - Alan Wright
Written And Devised By Roger Simpson
Sound - John Chalk
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John Mcrrae
Director - Tom Parkinson

Episode Five (24/10/1976)
The illusion goes wrong and Marvello rides the rapids, Seth is overcome with grief and Scott realises that only he can help.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Marvello - Ian Mune
Seth - Charlie Strachan
Cameron - Roger Oakley
Mayor - Alan Wright
Doctor - Alan Ashley
Stableman - Edwin Wright
Liveryman - Max Campbell
Bullock Driver - Bob Swan
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Written And Devised By Roger Simpson
Costume Designer - Alf Weston
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John McRae
Director - Tom Parkinson

Episode Six (31/10/1976)
Sergeant O'Halloran determines to send Scott back to his uncle's farm but doesn't bargain on the wiles of Scott's newfound friend, the redoubtable Molly Grogan.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
O'halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Tindle - Ernie Stanley
Cameron - Roger Oakley
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Constable Douglas - Bernard Esquilant
Fraser - Scottt Taylor
Stableman - Edwin Wright
Prist - Bill Menlove
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Written and Devised By Roger Simpson
Make Up - Jill Mills
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John Mcrae
Direclor - Tom Parkinson

Episode Seven (7/11/1976) Molly is beginning to regret she stopped O'Halloran from sending Scott back to Dunedin. The case against Scott's father is strong and damning and events are to prove things bleaker still.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
O'halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Fraser - Scott Taylor
Tindle - Ernie Stanley Cameron - Roger Oakley

Bruce Allpress
Bruce Allpress as Hunter

Hunter - Bruce Allpress
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Ryan - Bevan Wilson
Dodd - Peter Thorpe
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Constable Douglas - Bernard Esquilant
Stableman - Edwin Wright
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Also appearing Lin Heron, Jim Jeffrey, and Peter Shanty
Written and Devised By Roger Simpson
Script - Ken Catran
Film Editor - Chris King
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John McRae
Direclor - Tom Parkinson

Episode Eight (14/11/1976)
With a second killing in as many weeks Tucker's Gully smoulders on the edge of riot. When Molly suffers a terrible loss Scott can't help but feel responsible.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
O'halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
Tindle - Ernie Stanley
Cameron - Roger Oakley
Fraser - Scott Taylor
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Constable's Widow - Shirley Duke
Old Miner - Jack Dobson
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Also Appearing Jim Heron, Jim Jeffery, and Peter Shanlfy
Written and Devised by Roger Simpson
Lighting Camerman - Max Quinn
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John McRae
Director - Tom Parkinson

Episode Nine (21/11/1976)
With a reward posted for Scott's father, the diggings are abandoned as the miners take to hunting bounty. But O'Halloran hasn't reckoned the consequences and finds himself the object of the District Commissioner's wrath.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Tindle - Ernie Stanley
Cameron - Roger Oakle
Fraser - Scott Taylor
O'Halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
Commissioner - Gerrit Bahlman
Hurter - Bruce Allpress
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Ryan - Bevan Wilson
Dodd - Peter Thorpe
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Producer John McRae
Director Tom Parkinson

Episode Ten (28/11/1976)
An old friend arrives and Scott gets involved in a contest of strength. Mean-while hi=is father's enemies have turned their evil intentions towards Scott himself.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Baddock - Ken Blackburn
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
Tindle - Ernie Stanley
O'Halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Fraser - Scott Taylor
Cameron - Roger Oakley
Hunter - Bruce Allpress
Ryan - Bevan Wilson
Dodd - Peter Thorpe
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Old Minor - Jack Dobson
St Sbleman - Edwin Wright
Written and Devised By Roger Simpson
Film Edtor - Chris King
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John McRae
Director - Tom Parkinson

Episode Eleven (5/12/1976)
Scott and his father come together at last-though hardly under agreeable circumstances. But the reunion of father and son is to be shortlived.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Boddock - Ken Blackeurn
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
Tindle - Ernie Stanley
O'halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Fraser - Scott Taylor
Cameron - Roger Oakley
Hunter - Bruce Allpress
Ryan - Bevan Wilson
Dodd - Peter Thorpe
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Written and Devised By Roger Simpson
Script - Ken Catran
Music Composed by Bernie Allen
Designer - Logan Brewer
Producer - John McRae
Director - Tom Parkinson

Episode 12 (12/12/1976)
Scott finds himself alone with time running for his father but Baddock, and O'Halleron have not been idle.
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Hunter - Bruce Allpress
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
Braddock - Ken Blackburn
O'halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Tindle - Ernie Stanley
Cameron - Roger Oakley
Ryan - Bevan Wilson
Dodd - Peter Thorpe
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Old Minor - Jack Dobson
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Also Appearing Lin Heron, Jim Jeffery, Peter Shanly
Written and Devised by Roger Simpson
Sound - John Chalk
Designer Logan Brewer
Producer John McRae
Director Tom Parkinson

Episode Thirteen (19/12/1976)
The moment of truth and new beginnings. A tent town "disappears" as the miners rush for gold. (Final)
Scott - Andrew Hawthorn
Braddock - Ken Blackburn
Molly - Ilona Rodgers
O'halloran - Gabriel Prendergast
Tindle - Ernie Stanley
Cameron - Roger Oakley
Hunter - Bruce Allpress
Fraser - Scott Taylor
Rose - Claire Oberman
Lily - Cathie Harrop
Maxwell - Robert Bell
Collins - Richard Moss
Teddy - Donald Snook
Charlie - Robert Pratt
Ryan - Bevan Wilson
Dodd - Peter Thorpe
Also Appearing Lin Heron, Jim Jeffery
Written And Devised By Roger Simpson
Music Composed By Bernie Allen
Costume Designer Alf Weston
Make-up - Jill Mills
Film Editor - Chris King
Lighting Camerman - Max Quinn
Sound - John Chalk
Designer Logan Brewer
Producer John McRae
Director Tom Parkinson

Available on DVD:


Old Robber (Ian Watkin, right) and Young Robber (Norman Farsey, left)  menace Scott (Andrew Hawthorne)

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