A co-produced by TV One and ABC, the series revolved around the professional and domestic life of Leo Moynihan, the secretary of the Central Carpenters' Union, and always the man in the middle.
Pilot Play
1) 25/5/1975
Leo Moynihan, Trade Union Secretary, negotiates a redundancy agreement with a multi-national corporation, and finds the solution not entirely to his liking.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Any Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Saran Kemp - Ilona Rodgers
Brian Crosby - Martin Sanderson
Jack Shaw - Grant Tilly
Alistair Stone - Alan Jarvis
Paul Clark - Ken Blackburn
Elizabeth Clark - Sheila Hammond
Sian Goss - Tony Currie
Barry Bowies - Peter Fyfe
Berl Slade - Ronald Burt
Colin - John Batstone
Fred - Joe Lorigan
George - Don Selwyn
Fred - Tom Rangiuia
Ian - John Callen
Doug Mclaren - Peter Vere-Jones
Mrs Davis - Trish Millar
Written by Jane Galletly And Earl Spencer
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director- Eric Price
The Listener ran an article on the show when the first episode screened:
Moynihan, the first major drama to be mode at the new Avalon television centre, has as its hero a Trade Union secretary. But, as one of the authors seals. If people anticipate a play about Trade Unions being full of fire and brimstone an fellows in cloth caps and bowyangs, they're going to be surprised.
Moynihan. which stars Ian Mune in the title role, is written by Jane Galletly and Earl Spencer, who have specialised knowledge of Trade Unionism.
We've both been connected with the theatre tor many years and also with the Trade Union movement,
says Jane Galletly. The idea started with our both knowing the area of Trade Union activity and fastening on to it as something we could write about with some authority.
explains Earl Spencer.
One of the things that we are in mind from the beginning was that certain aspect of the Trade Union movement weren't shown, aspects that don‘t come out in the press. The men and women in the headlines come out as cardboard people - dull and implacable - hut nobody knows what they're like when they are outside the Union offices. Trade Union organisers are some of the most colourful characters that you could possibly meet.
says Jane.
Monyihan, which was produced by Douglas Drury and directed by Eric Price. concerns a fictional multi-national company. in keeping with the writer's intentions much of Moynihan is set on work sites or in the homes of the various characters rather than at the negotiating table. Scenes for the production were shot on location on building sites. Other scenes filmed on location at Wellington airport posed a problem when it became impossible to film during the day because of the noise of the planes. To overcome the problem the scenes were shot at night when it was quieter.
The producer, Douglas Drury, believes that Moynthan has opened up a new area in drama
and was especially pleased by the good cast assembled for the production. Ian Mune portrays the title character, Leo Moynihan, who is the secretary of the Central Carpenters' Union. Other leading characters in the hour-long play are portrayed by Louise Pajo llona Rodgers, Alan Jervis, Grant Tilly and Sheila Hammond
Until recently Earl Spencer and Jane Galletly have been writing part-time. Earl began writing and then consulted me,
says Jane. The main thing we had in mind was to lighten the touch, something we don‘t think's been done before in this area. Also imbedded in the story is that awesome sense of power that these people have in their gift.
Earle adds that it is the human aspects of the situation that the play is about
We're not intent on a message,
he says.
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