Season 2
Pressures and demands have a powerful effect on the political and domestic life of Leo Moynihan, Secretary of the Central Carpenter's Union. He's aggressive, he's a battler, but the very pressures of Leo's job, his sense of fair play and his own obligation to the Trade Union reflect major changes in his personal life and principles
1) Solidarity Forever (1/2/1977)
Jack Shaw and wife Tanya tackle the unemployment situation in their own way. Leo doesn't approve but Jack's scheme embraces all, even workshy Bob Stokes.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Tanya Shaw - Julia Blake
Bob Stokes - Bill Johnson
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Ben Ngata - Don Selwyn
Barney Ryan - Terence Finnigan
Reg Parker - Johnny Johnstone
Minister - Patrick Smyth
Keith - Toger Page
Harris - Alan Miller
Written by Jane Galletly
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - Brian Bel
2) When It Hits the Fan (8/2/1977)
It's an unusual situation when a Joinery firm goes on strike over three toilet doors The agent provocateur is the cleaner Maisie, whose principles can vary with her own self-interest Leo arri Crosby are forced to find a practical way to break the deadlock.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Maisia Harrison - Alma Woods
Andy Fraser - Brian James
Fred - Grant Tilly
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Mike Conners - Bob Crockett
Reg Pparker - Johnny Johnstone
Written by John Martin and Jane Galletly
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - Ross Jennings
3) The Old Order Changeth (15/2/1977)
Ex Cabinet Minister Stan Barton is trying to come to terms with his new position as manager to a malt-national company. There's trouble at home and distrust from Moynihan who is. also having domestic problems.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Stan Barton - Peter Gwyne
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Geoff Cambell - Ken Goodlet
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Jeanet Moynihan - Judie Douglass
Doug McLaren - Peter Vere-Jones
Pat Moynihan - Brendon Mune
Harry - John Caller
Joyce Barton - Anne Flannery
Father Reardon - Russell Duncan
Rob - Keith Richardso
Written by Keith Aberdein and Jane Galletly
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - John Croyston
4) Choose You This Day (22/2/1977)
Paul Pearson must be queer according to the men on the site. He must be, he's out of line. But for Amy, caught in a rut, it is a different story.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Paul Pearson - Tim Eliott
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Chapman - Gerard Kennedy
Ash Brown - Stan Wood
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Baxter - Ernie Stanley
Doug McLaren - Peter Vere-Jones
Mr Johnson - Douglas Drury
Harry - Rory O'Shea
Ben - Don Selwyn
Chairman - John Poata
Written by John Martin
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - Murray Reece
5) Travelling Time (29/2/1977
When Leo goes to Sydney to attend a conference. his opposite number from the northern districts, Bill Trentham, tries to build up support fur himself as national Secretary of a combined union.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Bill Trentham - Kevin Miles
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Doug McLaren - Peter Vere-Jones
Mike Lambard - John Clayton
Ben - Don Selwyn
Thronton - Ray Henwood
Tom - Lionel Rogers
Keith - Roger Page
Written by John Martin and Jim Hopkins
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - David Zweck
6) All Oyer Bar The Shouting (8/3/1977)
Frank Braddock arrives from England and threatens Leo's new life style with divorced wife, Janet . . . But after all Frank is family; he's Janet's brother. So Leo's got him a job, but is it safe? And If there's an accident, who's responsible?
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Frank Broddock - Ian Hogg
Jeanet Moynihan - Judie Douglass
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Mr Fischer - Keith Lee
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Barney Ryan - Terence Finnigan
Mrs Braddock - Pamela Duncan
Matt Reed - Oleg Papov
Written by Jane Galletly
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - Chris Thomson
7) A Bird in the Hand (15/3/1977)
Old style craftsman, Wally Allen, Is at the end at his working life. He has had a long term dream which might came true at last. But young Michael Saddler takes over the firm and has other problems to face. Leo, however, finds time for the oldest member of the union.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Michael Saddler - Warwick Sims
Wally Allen - Edward Howell
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Leslie Thompson - Olivia Brown
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Jeanet Moynihan - Judie Douglass
Lorne - Ginette McDonald
Maria - Claire Oberman
Written by Jane Galletly/John Martin
Producer/Director - Douglas Drury
8) Greener on the Other Side (22/3/1977)
It's crisis time for Brian Crosby - death duties and a disenchanted wife. He doesn't want to give up his family home; it has been in the family for three generations. There's conflict, too, in the Moynihan household as Frank is still living there. Karen Crosby finds that Frank is better at solving personal relationships than main issues.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Frank Broddock - Ian Hogg
Karen Crosby - Rowena Wallace
Jeanet Moynihan - Judie Douglass
Mr Fischer - Keith Lee
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Paul Watkins - Alistair MacFarlane
President - John Brough
Written by Jane Galletly
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - Ross Jennings
9) Profit Without Honour (29/3/1977)
Frank has the offer of a job with a cheap house - married accommodation - so he finally makes Clodagh an honest woman. Or does he?
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Frank Broddock - Ian Hogg
Clodagh Braddock - Sandra Gough
Adrian Peters - Alister Smart
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Jack Shaw - Walter Brown
Charlie Norris - Donald Snook
Ted Jackson - Pete Mccauley
Mrs Jackson - Alice Fraser
Mrs Norris - Denise Maunder
Mr Pritchard - Brian Clark
Publican - Michael Woolf
Written by Jane Galletly
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - Eric Tayler
10) Joe Hill Ain't Dead (5/4/1977)
Power-hungry Moynihan has got there at last. He says he has left a strong union after his eight years service, but subsequent events prove him wrong.
Leo Moynihan - Ian Mune
Frank Broddock - Ian Hogg
Amy Mclaren - Louise Pajo
Tanya Shaw - Julia Blake
Clodagh Braddock - Sandra Gough
Jeanet Moynihan - Judie Douglass
Jack Shaw - Walt Brown
Brian Crosby - Ken Blackburn
Ben - Don Selwyn
Terry - Stephen Crane
Mrs Hamilton - Joanna Derril
Nurse - Alanah O'Sullivan
Salesman - Lewis Rowe
Written by Jane Galletly
Producer - Douglas Drury
Director - Frank Arnold
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